2023 Custom Shop Limited King Grinder Painter Headcovers
The new King Grinder Painter makes his debut on this year's Custom Shop Limited headcovers.
New Pistolero Plus and Pistolini grips are also now available in Scotty's Custom Shop.
A new King Grinder stamp has also been offered for a limited run, as well.
With standard, mid-mallet, mid-round and mid-square options available, the new King Grinder Painter headcovers will work for nearly any Scotty Cameron putter.
Scotty's King Grinder Painter encourages you to get creative with color for your next Custom Shop project.
The King Grinder Painter headcovers will be available on Custom Shop orders through January 31, 2024.
You must create a Custom Shop order and send your putter to Scotty's Custom Shop for these new headcovers.
How will you have the Custom Shop paint your gamer?
Custom Shop Limited King Grinder Painter headcovers will be available until January 31, 2024.
Scotty made the King Grinder Painter headcovers for blades, mid-mallets and mallets.
These limited release Custom Shop headcovers will be available only until January 31, 2024.
Limited release King Grinder Painter headcovers are now available in Scotty's Custom Shop.