The Custom Shop was created to not only give players the opportunity to personalize and customize a putter, but also to restore a putter back to its original state. As the physical act of playing golf naturally wears, damages and ages a putter, Scotty wanted to offer players a way to restore and preserve putters that also can take on sentimental value.
Always one to appreciate and promote the traditions of our great game, Scotty launched his Custom Shop & Restoration Department back in 2004 with a simple principle: "If it were your grandfather's putter being passed down to you, how would you wanted it treated?" It's that ideal that guides the Custom Shop today.
We recently completed this restoration for a father and son duo who wanted to pass these well-loved family heirlooms down to their grandsons and sons, respectively. The putters were in such poor shape we were not even sure how far we could bring them back to like-new condition.
Here are some before and after images that demonstrate the quality craftsmanship that goes into a Scotty Cameron putter restoration. This example showcases a particularly extreme restoration by the Custom Shop. Even a nearly-20-year-old putter like this Cameron & Co. Sterling and Stainless Newport can be brought back to its like-new condition with very little change in appearance save for the necessary buffing and grinding needed to smooth out nicks and dings.

Restoration involves stripping the putter's finish, removing scratches, dents and dings from the putter head, re-milling the face, applying a restored finish and giving it fresh paintfill, either original or custom per the player's wishes.

Additionally, our Custom Shop crew will install a new shaft, shaft band, grip and standard Custom Shop headcover. Customers can choose from several options in our Custom Shop Accessories menus to upgrade the grip, headcover or shaft band/ring. We also offer the ability to dial in a putter's loft, lie, length and weight (on applicable putters) to the customer's preferred specs.

Not every putter can be restored, as sometimes the damage is just too much to repair. But, as you can tell by the before and after images shown here, many dings, small spots of corrosion and worn components can be completely refurbished. What appears worn and perhaps beyond repair is expertly brought back to its original condition by the expertise of the Custom Shop crew.

If your putter is in need of restoration, head over to Scotty's Custom Shop to explore our options and get started. We make it easy with several express packages. Or, customize your putter to your liking using our new Custom Shop Creator.
Click below for more images of this Limited Release 1998 Cameron & Co. Sterling and Stainless Newport restoration.